Yoga or Gym
Yoga and Gym are activities that keep our health and maintain an active life.
But, in recent decades yoga has been gaining ground all over the world.
It is practiced by athletes, sportsmen, military personnel and even adopted in jails to mend the mindset of convicts. This preference is due to the many advantages involved with yoga.
However if one is practicing gym or interested in some fitness exercise, there might be a question of why to take up yoga instead.
Check out this book light on yoga, if you wish to overcome any disease or health problems in life then it is clear cut with instructions, practice and pictures of yoga practitioner.
So, here we outline the differences and benefits of yoga, gym and other exercises.
In general, all the physical exercise helps to relieve stress, make you active and even enhance the mood
Further, they decrease the propensity for disorders like high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, muscle pains, etc.
But besides above, yoga helps relieve stress, overcome anxiety, depression and other psychological disorders.
So one should decide which one they need to take up? Either yoga or another sort of physical activity like the gym for a better life.
Yoga versus Gym! which is better
It is quite difficult to testify or assign the pros and cons to both forms of exercises so easily.
Because both are aimed for some different purposes and designed by well thought and analysis.
But they have a common aim of better health and physical fitness.
♠ Gym and Other rigorous exercises: Most of the physical exercises like gym, swimming, aerobic workouts seem to put the body to rigorous work and help you burn out some calories and also bring you flexibility in both body movements and mind.
♠ Yoga, on the other hand, was developed by ancient Hindu saints. These saints used to stay in strict meditation for days together sitting at one place. So they used to follow yoga with an aim to keep their body and mind fit for spiritual lifestyle and enlightenment.
Yoga helps one control the fickle mind, regulate emotions and also bring flexibility to the body. Further, it helps focus on the goal in life. This seems to be very right from the health experts point of view. Because more than 90% of patients have disorders arising due to mental stress and emotional suffering.
So performing yoga helps them overcome mental stress and attain inherent peace.
Thus yoga not only burns out calories by physical activity but also helps regulate the Mind. Even the body functions like excretion, digestion, blood flow are regularized and the thought flow in the mind is stabilized.
Benefits of yoga:
1. Makes you active and keeps so whole day.
2. Helps you get rid of disorders like back pain, piles, heart problems and more.
3. Improves circulation leading to nutrition supply to the whole body and removes toxins.
4. Helps bowel movement to relieve constipation
5. Keep one cheerful and stress-free and also makes you resistant to stress-causing factors.
6. Gives control over the body to the mind. Thereby minimizes the chances of diseases and disorders.
7. It is easy to do at home, in the garden or rooftop. No need to go to a distance workout place.
Benefits of the gym and other exercises:
1. It helps keep muscles fit.
2. Relieves stress and helps body muscles resistant to stress-related issues.
3. Helps one sweat a lot, indicating enhanced circulation and expulsion of toxins.
4. Rises appetite and helps consume more food.
5. Also helps in weight loss as unnecessary calories are burnt.
The differences in Yoga versus gym!
1. The process:
The primary difference appears to be processed by which these two systems subject the body to attain the desired fitness.
In exercises like jogging, gymnasium, swimming, etc. there is intensely physical and mental agitation.
The blood flow, heart rate, rate of respiration, etc. are exited intensely and then allowed to settle down to normal gradually.
Exercise is best to help the body overcome inertia and muscle sluggishness.
In the case of the gym, even there is a growth of muscles tissue enabling one to have a desired physical shape.
The food intake and appetite is raised so as to build up the body. Just as in games and sports, after rigorous gym one has sound sleep and body is kept fit.
2. Mental control:
On the other hand Yoga focus is to regulate the entire body mechanism. It uses little physical strain with a concentration on the different body regions, positions with enhanced mind control over them.
In this way, even the mental concentration is enhanced and thought process can be kept at control.
It is found that yoga is best for treatment of many psychological disorders like anxiety, depression, stress, etc. It helps one overcome addictions even. Even the life span is believed to raise.
◊ As per physiology, there is some correlation with the rate of respiration and life span.
It is believed that smaller animals like rodents, dogs, etc. have faster breath i.e. their rate of respiration for a minute is higher than humans. This higher respiration rate consumes more oxygen and more mitochondrial involvement. Mitochondrial life is fixed for a number of cycles of oxygen intake. So the more times intake, faster is a decline in mitochondria number. Hence the more mitochondrial death and therefore the body cells.
3. Regulating metabolism:
In yoga breathing rate is controlled and thereby the metabolism is regulated. Besides the processes like excretion and gut transit are enhanced helping in the cleansing of the body.
“Yoga believes that the mind controls the body health. Since the nervous system controls entire human body functions and movements, this concept of yoga seems to be right.”
→ So we can see that by yoga body physiology is brought under one’s control to a greater extent. While in exercise the control is there but to a smaller extent. But if to build up your muscles then you may not be doing well with yoga as a gym or other workouts are the best for the case.
When the question of Yoga versus gym arises, the present requirement and physiology needs are to be considered. For youngsters, sportsmen, actors, those concerned with physical appearance, the gym may be the best fit.
So for senior citizens, women after delivery, middle age, youngster and sportsmen with an aim to reduce mental stress are better with yoga.
For those who work by sitting for long hours, both yoga and workouts are needed. Working for long by sitting leads to problems due to low physical activity and also high mental activity. So physical workout like walking, gym, swimming and jogging tend to help physical health. This helps them burn excess calories in a short time. While yoga and meditation will help in mental health.
Those with anxiety and fickle mind can opt for yoga as a better physical exercise. While those with a desire for better body shape and mass can go for gym.
Also, one has to remember that not all of us are suitable for the gym or yoga. Those with an active mind and intellectual work can benefit from the gym. Because burning physical calories will help to have a stable mind. But, if you have sufficient time and desire for a cool mind, then yoga is the best option.
Further if you have any queries comment in the comments section.
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