
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Everything you need to know about Coronavirus


In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) started monitoring the outbreak of a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes the respiratory illness now known as COVID-19. Authorities first identified the virus in Wuhan, China.
Since then, the virus has spread to other countries, both in and outside Asia, leading the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare this as a pandemic.
As of March 23, more than 340,000 people have contracted the virus worldwide, causing over 14,000 deaths.
The first people with COVID-19 had links to an animal and seafood market. This fact suggested that animals initially transmitted the virus to humans. However, people with a more recent diagnosis had no connections with or exposure to the market, confirming that humans can pass the virus to each other.
Information on the virus is scarce at present. In the past, respiratory conditions that develop from coronaviruses, such as SARS and MERS, have spread through close contacts.

The WHO reports that the two groups most at risk of experiencing severe illness due to a SARS-CoV-2 infection are older adults, defined as “over 60 years old”, and individuals who have other health conditions that compromise their immune system.
According to the CDC, children are not at higher risk for COVID-19 than adults.
While there are currently no published scientific reports about the susceptibility of pregnant women, the CDC notes that:

“Pregnant women experience immunologic and physiologic changes which might make them more susceptible to viral respiratory infections, including COVID-19.”
The CDC also recommend that infants born to mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are placed in isolation as a “person under investigation.”

Symptoms of COVID-19

Symptoms vary from person-to-person with COVID-19. It may produce few or no symptoms. However, it can also lead to severe illness and may be fatal. Common symptoms include:
  • Fever
  • Breathlessness
  • Cough
  • Potential loss of taste or smell
It may take 2–14 days for a person to notice symptoms after infection.
No vaccine is currently available for COVID-19. However, scientists have now replicated the virus. This could allow for early detection and treatment in people who have the virus but are not yet showing symptoms.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggest that several groups of people have the highest risk of developing complications due to COVID-19. These groups include:
  • Young children
  • People aged 65 years or older
  • Women who are pregnant
The CDC advise that although there have been reports of complications in young children, these are rare. COVID-19 most commonly produces mild symptoms in children.

Cold- or flu-like symptoms usually set in from 2–4 days after a coronavirus infection and are typically mild. However, symptoms vary from person-to-person, and some forms of the virus can be fatal.
Symptoms may include:
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Fatigue 
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Exacerbated asthma

Scientists cannot easily cultivate human coronaviruses in the laboratory unlike the rhinovirus, which is another cause of the common cold. This makes it difficult to gauge the impact of the coronavirus on national economies and public health.
There is no cure for coronaviruses that cause symptoms resembling the common cold. Treatments include self-care and over-the-counter (OTC) medication. People can take several steps, including:
  • Resting and avoiding overexertion
  • Drinking enough water
  • Avoiding smoking and smoky areas
  • Taking acetaminophen for pain and fever
  • Using a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer
A doctor can diagnose the virus responsible by taking a sample of respiratory fluids, such as mucus from the nose, or blood.

Coronaviruses belong to the subfamily Coronavirinae in the family Coronaviridae.
Different types of human coronaviruses vary in how severe the resulting disease becomes, and how far they can spread.
Doctors currently recognize seven types of coronavirus that can infect humans.
Common types include:
  • 229E (Alpha Coronavirus)
  • NL63 (Alpha Coronavirus)
  • OC43 (Beta Coronavirus)
  • HKU1 (Beta Coronavirus)
Rarer strains that cause more severe complications include MERS-CoV, which causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and SARS-CoV, the virus responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
In 2019, a new strain called SARS-CoV-2 started circulating, causing the disease COVID-19.

Limited research is available on how HCoV spreads from one person to the next.
However, researchers believe that the viruses transmit via fluids in the respiratory system, such as mucus.
Coronaviruses can spread in the following ways:
  • Coughing and sneezing without covering the mouth can disperse droplets into the air.
  • Touching or shaking hands with a person who has the virus can pass the virus between individuals.
  • Making contact with a surface or object that has the virus and then touching the nose, eyes, or mouth.
  • Some animal coronaviruses, such as feline coronavirus (FCoV), may spread through contact with feces. However, it is unclear whether this also applies to human coronaviruses.
Coronaviruses will infect most people at some time during their lifetime.
Coronaviruses can mutate effectively, which makes them so contagious.
To prevent transmission, people should stay at home and rest while symptoms are active. They should also avoid close contact with other people.
Covering the mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief while coughing or sneezing can also help prevent transmission. It is important to dispose of any tissues after use and maintain hygiene around the home.

SARS is a contagious disease that develops after infection by the SARS-CoV coronavirus. Typically, it leads to a life threatening form of pneumonia.
During November 2002, the virus started in the Guangdong Province in southern China, eventually reaching Hong Kong. From there, it rapidly spread around the world, causing infections in more than 24 countries.
SARS-CoV can infect both the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
The symptoms of SARS develop over the course of a week and start with a fever. Early on in the condition, people develop flu-like symptoms, such as:
  • Dry coughing
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea 
  • Breathlessness
  • Aches
Pneumonia, a severe lung infection, usually develops. At its most advanced stage, SARS causes failure of the lungs, heart, or liver.
According to the CDC, authorities marked 8,098 people as having contracted SARS during its outbreak. Of these, 774 infections were fatal. This equates to a mortality rate of 9.6%.
However, it can still occur after infection with SARS-CoV.

MERS spreads due to the coronavirus known as MERS-CoV. Scientists first recognized this severe respiratory illness in 2012 after it surfaced in Saudi Arabia. Since then, it has spread to other countries.
The virus has reached the U.S., while the largest outbreak outside the Arabian Peninsula occurred in South Korea in 2015.
Symptoms of MERS include fever, breathlessness, and coughing. The illness spreads through close contact with people who already have an infection. However, all cases of MERS have links to individuals recently returning from travel to the Arabian Peninsula.

How deadly is it?

With more than 8,600 recorded deaths, the number of fatalities from this new coronavirus has surpassed the toll of the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak, which also originated in China.
SARS killed about 9 percent of those it infected - nearly 800 people worldwide and more than 300 in China alone. MERS, which did not spread as widely, was more deadly, killing one-third of those infected.
While the new coronavirus is more widespread than SARS in terms of case numbers, the mortality rate remains considerably lower at approximately 3.4 percent, according to the WHO.

What is being done to stop it from spreading?

Scientists around the globe are but have warned it is not likely one will be available for mass distribution before 2021.
Meanwhile, Chinese authorities have effectively sealed off Wuhan and placed restrictions on travel to and from several other cities, affecting some 60 million people. Other countries have since followed suit with total lockdowns, closing schools, restaurants, bars, and sports clubs, and also issuing mandatory work-from-home decrees.  
International airlines have cancelled  airlines the world over. Some countries have banned non-citizens from entering their territories, and several more have evacuated their citizens from abroad.

Where did the virus originate?

Chinese health authorities are still trying to determine the origin of the virus, which they say likely came from a seafood market in Wuhan, China where wildlife was also traded illegally.
On February 7, Chinese researchers said the virus could have spread from an infected animal species to humans through illegally-trafficked pangolins, which are prized in Asia for food and medicine.
Scientists have pointed to either bats or snakes as possible sources of the virus.

If you have any queries, comment in the comments section.

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Yoga vs Gym

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Human Health

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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Which one is better Yoga or Gym

                        Yoga or Gym

Yoga and Gym are activities that keep  our health and maintain an active life.

But, in recent decades yoga has been gaining ground all over the world.

It is practiced by athletes, sportsmen, military personnel and even adopted in jails to mend the mindset of convicts. This preference is due to the many advantages involved with yoga.

However if one is practicing gym or interested in some fitness exercise, there might be a question of why to take up yoga instead.

I would say, if you wish to have wholesome health or having any disorders go for yoga.

Check out this book light on yoga, if you wish to overcome any disease or health problems in life then it is clear cut with instructions, practice and pictures of yoga practitioner.

So, here we outline the differences and benefits of yoga, gym and other exercises.

In general, all the physical exercise helps to relieve stress, make you active and even enhance the mood

Further, they decrease the propensity for disorders like high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, muscle pains, etc.

But besides above, yoga helps relieve stress, overcome anxiety, depression and other psychological disorders.

So one should decide which one they need to take up? Either yoga or another sort of physical activity like the gym for a better life.

Yoga versus Gym! which is better

It is quite difficult to testify or assign the pros and cons to both forms of exercises so easily.

Because both are aimed for some different purposes and designed by well thought and analysis.

But they have a common aim of better health and physical fitness.

♠ Gym and Other rigorous exercises: Most of the physical exercises like gym, swimming, aerobic workouts seem to put the body to rigorous work and help you burn out some calories and also bring you flexibility in both body movements and mind.

♠ Yoga, on the other hand, was developed by ancient Hindu saints. These saints used to stay in strict meditation for days together sitting at one place. So they used to follow yoga with an aim to keep their body and mind fit for spiritual lifestyle and enlightenment.

Yoga helps one control the fickle mind, regulate emotions and also bring flexibility to the body. Further, it helps focus on the goal in life. This seems to be very right from the health experts point of view. Because more than 90% of patients have disorders arising due to mental stress and emotional suffering.

So performing yoga helps them overcome mental stress and attain inherent peace.

Thus yoga not only burns out calories by physical activity but also helps regulate the Mind. Even the body functions like excretion, digestion, blood flow are regularized and the thought flow in the mind is stabilized.

Benefits of yoga:

1. Makes you active and keeps so whole day.

2. Helps you get rid of disorders like back pain, piles, heart problems and more.

3. Improves circulation leading to nutrition supply to the whole body and removes toxins.

4. Helps bowel movement to relieve constipation

5. Keep one cheerful and stress-free and also makes you resistant to stress-causing factors.

6. Gives control over the body to the mind. Thereby minimizes the chances of diseases and disorders.

7. It is easy to do at home, in the garden or rooftop. No need to go to a distance workout place.

Benefits of the gym and other exercises:

1. It helps keep muscles fit.

2. Relieves stress and helps body muscles resistant to stress-related issues.

3. Helps one sweat a lot, indicating enhanced circulation and expulsion of toxins.

4. Rises appetite and helps consume more food.

5. Also helps in weight loss as unnecessary calories are burnt.

The differences in Yoga versus gym!

1. The process:
The primary difference appears to be processed by which these two systems subject the body to attain the desired fitness.

In exercises like jogging, gymnasium, swimming, etc. there is intensely physical and mental agitation.

The blood flow, heart rate, rate of respiration, etc. are exited intensely and then allowed to settle down to normal gradually.

Exercise is best to help the body overcome inertia and muscle sluggishness.

In the case of the gym, even there is a growth of muscles tissue enabling one to have a desired physical shape.

The food intake and appetite is raised so as to build up the body. Just as in games and sports, after rigorous gym one has sound sleep and body is kept fit.

2. Mental control: 
On the other hand Yoga focus is to regulate the entire body mechanism. It uses little physical strain with a concentration on the different body regions, positions with enhanced mind control over them.

In this way, even the mental concentration is enhanced and thought process can be kept at control.

It is found that yoga is best for treatment of many psychological disorders like anxiety, depression, stress, etc. It helps one overcome addictions even. Even the life span is believed to raise.

◊ As per physiology, there is some correlation with the rate of respiration and life span.

It is believed that smaller animals like rodents, dogs, etc. have faster breath i.e. their rate of respiration for a minute is higher than humans. This higher respiration rate consumes more oxygen and more mitochondrial involvement. Mitochondrial life is fixed for a number of cycles of oxygen intake. So the more times intake, faster is a decline in mitochondria number. Hence the more mitochondrial death and therefore the body cells.

3. Regulating metabolism: 
In yoga breathing rate is controlled and thereby the metabolism is regulated. Besides the processes like excretion and gut transit are enhanced helping in the cleansing of the body.

Yoga believes that the mind controls the body health. Since the nervous system controls entire human body functions and movements, this concept of yoga seems to be right.”

→ So we can see that by yoga body physiology is brought under one’s control to a greater extent. While in exercise the control is there but to a smaller extent. But if to build up your muscles then you may not be doing well with yoga as a gym or other workouts are the best for the case.

When the question of Yoga versus gym arises, the present requirement and physiology needs are to be considered. For youngsters, sportsmen, actors, those concerned with physical appearance, the gym may be the best fit.

So for senior citizens, women after delivery, middle age, youngster and sportsmen with an aim to reduce mental stress are better with yoga.

For those who work by sitting for long hours, both yoga and workouts are needed. Working for long by sitting leads to problems due to low physical activity and also high mental activity. So physical workout like walking, gym, swimming and jogging tend to help physical health. This helps them burn excess calories in a short time. While yoga and meditation will help in mental health.


Those with anxiety and fickle mind can opt for yoga as a better physical exercise. While those with a desire for better body shape and mass can go for gym.

Also, one has to remember that not all of us are suitable for the gym or yoga. Those with an active mind and intellectual work can benefit from the gym. Because burning physical calories will help to have a stable mind. But, if you have sufficient time and desire for a cool mind, then yoga is the best option.

Further if you have any queries comment in the comments section.

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What after 10th??

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Human Health 

Human Emotions 

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Sunday, March 22, 2020

What after 12th??

List of courses after 12th

What after 12th ?’ is the common question among the generation of students studying in 12th standard. Every year the questions hit lakhs of students in India and abroad. The confusion prevails among them concerning career prospects, job opportunities and yes, their passion, their preference. Counselors say that the lack of proper information about the courses available in India and their career prospects, is somewhere responsible. Science, Commerce and Arts are the options available in which students can find a suitable courses.

Choosing a course shall never be a convenient option rather it should be a highly motivating choice for the students. Interests, motivation, and goals are prime factors students must consider while choosing a course from the range of courses available in India to pursue after 12th. Students can choose a course from top domains including Engineering, Architecture, Design, Law, Applied Science, Business Studies, Management, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Economics, Media, Humanities, and more.

Given below is the list of courses in the above mentioned three streams that can help students make an informed and great choice aligning with their interest and career aspirations after passing secondary class.

UG Courses for Arts Students

Students who think that if they choose Arts Stream, they will have less career opportunities than science and commerce, but after completing 12th from arts, there is a list of courses which will provide you good career opportunities.

Courses available after 12th Science:

After completing 12th with science stream, there are a variety of options available for an undergraduate course. Students who have an interest in technical learning, they can choose engineering courses and the rest can choose from the courses listed below.

Under B.Tech, you have an option of various courses to do after 12th which include:

Science is one of the popular streams offering a wide range of technical courses. Here is the list of UG engineering courses for students who have completed their secondary education in science stream.

 *  You can also check the List of B. tech. Lateral Courses for diploma holder.

Courses available after 12th Commerce:

Students who want to learn about financial and management, can opt commerce stream after 10th. For commerce students, mathematics is an optional subject, thus students who have an interest in mathematics but do not want to go with science stream can take commerce with maths.

Apart from courses under Science, Commerce and Arts, there is also-

 List of professional courses to pursue after 12th:

The information provided above will help students with a list of courses available in India they can choose from.

   If you have any further queries please comment in comment section.

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What after 10th??

Yoga vs Gym 

                          Thank You.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

What after 10th???


Let us take a closer look at each course/stream and find our more details about them. Here we go –



This is the best and most popular choice among 10th passed students in India. After 10th, the most natural step ahead is – 10+1 followed by 10+2.
Nowadays, most jobs require Bachelor’s Degree as minimum educational qualification required. In order to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree course, you must have completed 10+2 in the first place! This shows how useful this path is!
If you are interested in following this path, you have many options available in front of you. 11th and 12th standards have three prominent streams in India. They are –
  • Arts stream
  • Commerce stream
  • Science stream
Based on your aptitude and passion, you may choose an appropriate stream and go ahead with 10+1 and 10+2 studies.
After completing 10+2, you may choose a professional course that is relevant to your stream (Arts, Commerce or Science)! 


10th passed students may also pursue Diploma in Engineering courses! They must have had mathematics and science subjects in 10th class!
Diploma in Engineering programs are 3 years long. Various types of Diploma Engineering courses are available in India. Some of them are –
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering
  • Diploma in EC Engineering
  • Diploma in IC Engineering
  • Diploma in Mining Engineering
  • Diploma in Textile Engineering
After completing Diploma program, candidates may secure admission directly into the second academic year of B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) or B.Tech. (Bachelor of Technology) course. This entry scheme is called lateral entry.


ITI stands for Industrial Training Institute. ITIs offer job oriented training programs. The main aim of an ITI is to instill skills in students. Thus, ITIs raise a skilled workforce and helps them find employment!
ITI programs are 1-2 years long. Course duration depends upon the nature of the course. Some prominent ITI training programs are –
  • ITI Electrician course
  • ITI Plumber course
  • ITI Welder course
  • ITI Turner course
  • ITI Mechanic course
  • ITI Machinist course


ITIs, Polytechnic Colleges and other educational institutes are known to offer job oriented vocational courses. Such programs could be Diploma or certification courses. Few examples are –
  • Diploma in Hardware and Networking
  • Paramedical courses


Other than the above mentioned courses, there also exists numerous certification programs, which 10th passed students may pursue. Few examples of such courses are –
  • Certificate in web designing
  • Certificate in ethical hacking
  • Certificate in Graphic design
  • Certificate in App development


This vocational training program is popularly known as D.Voc. Technically, it is a Diploma certificate program. At its core, D.Voc. is a vocational training program.
This vocational training program is three years long. Students who have passed 10th class are eligible to apply for D.Voc. admission.
D.Voc. course is available in different trades and disciplines. The main aim of this course is to develop relevant skills in candidates. Here are some of the popular D.Voc. courses in India –
  • D.Voc. Automobile
  • D.Voc. Agriculture
  • D.Voc. Retail Management
  • D.Voc. Textile Technology
  • D.Voc. Food Processing
  • D.Voc. Medical Laboratory Technology

   Industrial Training Institute Courses

I rank vocational courses available from Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) as the best option after 10th standard. ITI courses are recognized by every industry. Also, ITI has some of the best courses after 10th standard that will enable you to find excellent jobs.
ITI courses will give you a diploma certificate. Here are the best courses after 10th standard from ITI.
  • Medical Technician.
  • Mechanical Draftsman.
  • Civil Draftsman.
  • Chemical Plant Operator.
  • Laboratory Technician.
  • Quantity Surveyor.
  • Airline Steward/ Stewardess.
  • Hospitality Staff.
  • Photography.
  • Caregiver.
  • Legal/ Para-Legal Assistant.
  • Automobile Mechanical Technician.
  • Automobile Electrical Technician.
  • Horticulture.
  • Body & Beauty Care.
  • Fireman and Disaster Relief.
  • Dental Lab Technician.
  • Denture Maker.
  • Food Technician
  • Agricultural Farm Management.
  • Dairy Management.
  • Nutrition Assistant.
  • Baking & Confectioning.
  • Desktop Publishing.
  • Corporate Housekeeping.
  • Fashion Designing.
  • Event Management.
  • Facilities Management (old-age homes, hospitals etc)
  • IT and Electronics Maintenance.
  • Welding Technician.
  • Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technician.
  • Data Entry Operator.
  • Floriculture & Commercial Landscaping.
  • Food Processing.
  • Logistics Assistant.
  • Communications Equipment Technician
Career Choices

These are just some of the courses available from ITI. The good news is that ITI courses are available for women and men of any age. In fact, a lot of new courses are now offered by ITI, thanks to the Skills India program of the Indian government.
You can use Skills India courses from ITI at very economical fees. They are designed to help you make a career in India and abroad.

  Medical Courses After 10th standard

Understandably, you cannot join a medical school to become a doctor after completing 10th standard. But if you are really interested in making a career in the medical profession, try some of these best courses available after 10th standard.
  • Diploma in Rural Healthcare.
  • Diploma in Nursing Assistance.
  • Certificate of Nursing Assistance.
  • Pathology Lab Technician.
  • Diploma in Hospital Assistance.
  • Diploma in Paramedic Nursing.
Since India is promoting itself as a world-class medical tourism destination, there are several new hospitals and healthcare facilities that are opening across the country. These best courses in medical stream after completing 10th standard can help you make a career in this field.

               Travel & Tourism

India’s travel industry is booming. According to World Travel Council, the country has one of the fastest growing travel sectors of the world. Therefore, you can try some the best courses related to travel and tourism after 10th standard.
  • Diploma in Food & Beverage Management.
  • Diploma in Food & Beverage Production.
  • Diploma in Hospitality Management.
  • Diploma in Restaurant & Hotel Management.
  • Diploma in Food Technology.
  • Diploma in Nutrition.
  • Diploma in Catering and Catering Technology.
  • Diploma in Front Office & Reception Management.
  • Diploma in Hotel Stores Management.

         IT & Computer Technology

And yes, you can also do a best course after 10th standard in IT and computer technology. These are Certificate courses. You can get an entry-level job with a Certificate course. With some experience, you can go for higher courses such as Diploma.
  • Certificate in Search Engine Optimization.
  • Certificate in Social Media Management.
  • Certificate Course in Search Engine Marketing.
  • Diploma Computer Technician.
  • Diploma in Hardware Maintenance.

                Indian Armed Forces

  If you want to serve the country join Indian Armed Forces. They offer a couple of courses when you enlist as soldier. Indian Armed Forces have the best courses after 10th standard for those willing to serve the nation. They are very honorable careers too.
  • Soldier (General Duty)
  • Soldier (Tradesman)
Regardless of which course you opt, it is compulsory to serve the Indian Armed Forces upon completion of training. The duration of service can vary according to various rules and regulations in force. All courses of Indian Armed Forces include arms and weapons training. The Tradesman course teaches various skills to soldiers that are required in peacetime, disasters and wars.


These are vocational training courses. The main aim of a domain skilling program is to develop industry-specific skills among candidates.
State Governments and Central Government offers domain skilling programs through skill development initiatives. These training programs are offered at a nominal fees or free of cost!
Eligibility criteria may vary from one domain skilling program to another. Most of the domain skilling programs out there can be pursued after completing 10th standard.


These could be certification, informal or diploma training programs. Like other vocational courses, skill development programs are also aimed at developing relevant skills among students.
These programs usually focus on a particular domain/discipline/industry. By the time a student completes the training program, he/she will possess sector-specific skills. These skills will usually get him/her employed.


CAT stands for Certified Accounting Technicians. Students who have passed 10th standard are eligible to apply for CAT course.
The program consists of three sections –
  • Foundation course (Entry level) part 1
  • Competency Level part 2
  • Internship
10th pass students are eligible to apply for the first part. They may continue 11th and 12th schooling after applying for this program.
Still in doubt about what to do??

Final Thoughts

As we have seen, there are several best courses after 10th standard to suit your passion and needs. Most of these courses impart vocational skills. Hence, you can also open a small home-based business with these skills. Millions of students nowadays opt for vocational courses after 10th standard because of many reasons. These reasons can be lack of money for further studies or loss of interest in general studies. If you are one among these students, there is nothing to worry. The courses I have listed will help you make a respectable career or become entrepreneur.
If you have any queries please comment below in the comments section.
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