
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Human Health

How does the environment affect our health?

Health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease" according to the World Health Organization (WHO).Physical is about the body. Mental is about how people think and feel.

Principles of Good Health

Be better, naturally… The main principle of good health is being aware of you and your body’s needs. Reading the signs and symptoms before they fully develop and taking action to look after yourself. Being kind and compassionate to yourself.

Taking care of yourself in a natural, safe and gentle way through preventive: natural medicine, natural diet and natural exercise. And when disease befalls you taking a natural approach first (when it is safe to do so), chemical drugs and surgery intervention are there if you need them.

Our health is very much important to us. But due to environmental effects we are facing lots of new diseases and there by has a become a source of income for doctors. No one is to be blamed because we are the ones who treat our environment badly and in return we only have to face difficulties. Our daily activities,  the food we eat, the environment we live all factors directs our health status. In order to increase their economical status we are forgetting about our health status. 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Human Emotions

Human Emotions


             The word "ÊMØŤİØÑ" itself tells us everything i.e, it is a bonded feeling within oneself which at different circumstances in ones life appear to speak through his heart.

    Each of us are so much connected with this topic, we feel it, we react accordingly to it.

            Even animals tend to have emotions in them. But unlike humans there is a lot of difference between us and them particularly in this case.
       A simple example for this word is what we daily use in our smartphones which is EMOJI.

                Everyday we come across different types of emotions within us with or without knowing. Sometimes we have to stop ourselves turning emotional and there are some situations wherein we are required to react according to it. 
           Sometimes we have to think emotionally and at other times in a logical way. There is a lot of difference between these two ways of thinking. There are chances that people may take advantage when u react to them healthfully.
               And also I feel that greatest achievers at any point in their life will have faced lots of problems which mentally pulls them down and later on with a great attitude raising from that emotionally is what made them achieve things.

              Here are some of the Quotes on Emotion:

In life in order to achieve your dreams a lots of problems has to be overcomed in this journey failures occur but only when you can outbeat  it and stand against it you can do it. For this commitment and hard work matters a lot. 

Here is two instances :When you win u feel like all people around you are yours and when you lose you feel like no one's yours. At both these times the decisions we take differ a lot. 
      It means that we can manage the emotions we feel as well as how and when they are experienced and expressed. It can enable us to be positive in the face of difficult situations, or fake joy at opening a terrible birthday present. It can stop grief from crushing us and fear from stopping us in our tracks.
Because it allows us to enjoy positive emotions more and experience negative emotions less, regulation of emotions is incredibly important for our well biengConversely, emotional dysregulation is associated with mental health conditions and psychopathology. For example, a breakdown in emotional regulation strategies is thought to play a role in conditions such as depression, anxiety, substance misuse and personality disorders.

How to manage your emotions

Adrenaline is released in a fearful situation to help us run away from danger.
              Psychologist and researcher James Gross, has described a set of five strategies that we all use to regulate our emotions and that may be used at different points in the emotion generation process:
1. Situation selection
This involves looking to the future and taking steps to make it more likely to end up in situations that gives rise to desirable emotions, or less likely to end up in situations that lead to undesirable emotions. For example, taking a longer but quieter route home from work to avoid road rage.
2. Situation modification
This strategy might be implemented when we are already in a situation, and refers to steps that might be taken to change or improve the situation’s emotional impact, such as agreeing to disagree when a conversation gets heated.
3. Attentional deployment
Ever distracted yourself in order to face a fear? This is “attentional deployment” and can be used to direct or focus attention on different aspects of a situation, or something else entirely. Someone scared of needles thinking of happy memories during a blood test, for example.
4. Cognitive change
This is about changing how we appraise something to change how we feel about it. One particular form of cognitive change is reappraisal, which involves thinking differently or thinking about the positive sides – such as reappraising the loss of a job as an exciting opportunity to try new things.
5. Response modulation
Response modulation happens late in the emotion generation process, and involves changing how we react or express an emotion, to decrease or increase its emotional impact – hiding anger at a colleague, for example.

How do our brains do it?

The mechanisms that underlie these strategies are distinct and exceptionally complex, involving psychological, cognitive and biological processes. The cognitive control of emotion involves an interaction between the brain’s ancient and subcortical emotion systems (such as the periaqueductal grey, hypothalamus and the amygdala), and the cognitive control systems of the prefrontal and cingulate cortex.
Take reappraise which is a type of cognitive change strategy. When we reappraise, cognitive control capacities that are supported by areas in the prefrontal cortex allow us to manage our feelings by changing the meaning of the situation. This leads to a decrease of activity in the subcortical emotion systems that lie deep within the brain. Not only this, but reappraisal also changes our physiology, by decreasing our heart rate and sweat response, and improves how we experience emotions. This goes to show that looking on the bright side really can make us feel better – but not everyone is able to do this.
Those with emotional disorders, such as depression, remain in difficult emotional states for prolonged durations and find it difficult to sustain positive feelings.

   What's your emotional status now? Comment below in comments section.

           Lastly I would like to end up with one of the best ever quote:

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                      Thank You!!

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